Yesterday's night I could not sleep so I went down to the internet cafe and was working till 4 am by the computer. So many things to do - sometimes I'm so happy that I have a time to do the things I have to do even if I'm travelling to get t some cash for further journey.

So today I waked up about 11 and at 12 there was a checkout. As the Czech guy is going to Thailand, too, both of us are going to travel together for a few more days untill our road leads the same way. So we went to the ferry and left the island towards train to Thailand.

For a few euros we got on the train towards Thailand and it was standing for about two hours and not moving just before the border. Everyone was pissed.

I'm staying somewhere in Thailand right after the border today. Nothing special - just travelling today... However it was not so smooth yesterday as I told in my previous post. My hopes of staying right after the border almost got vanished away with a big risk of not getting across the border. So all the story in details would be like this: The train we where driving broke down just about 20 kilometers before Pedang Besa Malaisiya - Thailand borderline. After waiting in the train for about four hours we decided to hit the road by hitchicking. So at 8 pm - when it was dark allready - we finally decided to leave the train and went towards highway to the border. It was raining heavily.
When we where picked up by a guy who dropped us until the border - he explained that actually we are in the last minute as border was closing at 10:00 pm and we had only half hour left. So we where really rushing. BUT: After Malaysian immigration let us pass theirs border - Thailand didn't let me in. They allowed to cross the border only the Czech guy as he had a visa but I didn't. Unfortunately this border crossing point is to small and they don't provide visas on arrival service. So the Czech guy continued without me but I had to go to the other border crossing point which is about 70 kilometers. And there is no bus. And there is no train. And there is no any kind of public transportation except taxis who charged a noticeable amount of money so I had to deny their offer and got back to the "basics" :) and was hitchhiking again towards Bukit Kayu Hitam.
On my way I found out that I don't have much time left as the other border was closing in about one and half hour - at midnight. It was raining very heavily and I was almost pleasing the cars to pick me up as there was going average one car in ten minutes by that evening time.
But finally one car stopped and the driver was going to Thailand, too, so he dropped me right until the border in about 20 minutes before it would close. After I got my single entrance kind of visa for 15 days for free I stepped into the Thailand. It was midnight. No trains. No buses. Expensive hotels. Sluts. And as dirty as in India. And I felt like just went back from the paradise to hell. And as there where not so much choices I decided to get somehow towards next big city - Hat Yai.
One lorry driver picked me up and after three hours by paying about 2 euros and, by watching the driver drinking whiskey from time to time until one bottle was empty I got there and spent a night at the internet cafe working until the morning from where at 6:30 in the morning I took a bus to Krabi.
So now I'm in Krabi!:)
When we where picked up by a guy who dropped us until the border - he explained that actually we are in the last minute as border was closing at 10:00 pm and we had only half hour left. So we where really rushing. BUT: After Malaysian immigration let us pass theirs border - Thailand didn't let me in. They allowed to cross the border only the Czech guy as he had a visa but I didn't. Unfortunately this border crossing point is to small and they don't provide visas on arrival service. So the Czech guy continued without me but I had to go to the other border crossing point which is about 70 kilometers. And there is no bus. And there is no train. And there is no any kind of public transportation except taxis who charged a noticeable amount of money so I had to deny their offer and got back to the "basics" :) and was hitchhiking again towards Bukit Kayu Hitam.
On my way I found out that I don't have much time left as the other border was closing in about one and half hour - at midnight. It was raining very heavily and I was almost pleasing the cars to pick me up as there was going average one car in ten minutes by that evening time.
But finally one car stopped and the driver was going to Thailand, too, so he dropped me right until the border in about 20 minutes before it would close. After I got my single entrance kind of visa for 15 days for free I stepped into the Thailand. It was midnight. No trains. No buses. Expensive hotels. Sluts. And as dirty as in India. And I felt like just went back from the paradise to hell. And as there where not so much choices I decided to get somehow towards next big city - Hat Yai.
One lorry driver picked me up and after three hours by paying about 2 euros and, by watching the driver drinking whiskey from time to time until one bottle was empty I got there and spent a night at the internet cafe working until the morning from where at 6:30 in the morning I took a bus to Krabi.
So now I'm in Krabi!:)